Mairi engages creatively with various audiences from working alongside exhibition design agencies on visitor centre experineces to writing interpretation for contemporary visual arts exhibitions.
Mairi has combined her knowledge and skills in horticulture and sculpture to create engaging displays and create contemporary dioramas. Mairi has developed a range of specialist methods which include dessication and casting techniques to display plant and landscape materials in visually engaging ways. Clients have included Bombay Sapphire, various visitor centres, the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh as well as private commissions.
Working alongside artists, curators and makers, Mairi produces gallery packs to accompany their exhibitions. These gallery packs include interpretation and activities that explore the practices, themes and concepts within the exhbition and invite visitors to explore their own ways of seeing.
Recently this work has included gallery packs made for An Lanntair Arts Center who wanted families to explore their visual arts exhibtions together. Mairi also creates An Lanntair's gallery packs for visiting schools to use when they visit the exhbitions which included key stage, curriculum linked activites.